Protect Your Assets With an Essex County Will Attorney
Regardless of the amount of wealth you have accumulated, a will ensures that what you do have gets distributed to whom you designate and in the manner you choose. If you die with any amount of wealth and without a will, the probate court is charged with deciding who gets what - a potentially lengthy and bitter proposition that can tear families apart and do lasting damage to relationships and finances.
It's true that you can create your own will using readily available software or by doing extensive research at your local law library. However, a will is a very specific legal document and to ensure your will covers your personal situation and your wishes, it's always best to consult an experienced will attorney.
Protecting Your Assets, LLC - Experienced Will Attorneys in Essex County
One of the first steps we take as your will attorney is to help you decide on an executor of your will and what will happen if you have children. From there, we analyze your assets and debts that you want addressed in the will, including (but not limited to):
- Your home and other Real estate investments
- Savings accounts (bank accounts, CDs, money markets)
- Traditional investments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, CDs)
- Cars, boats, jewelry and other personal property
Special Circumstances Require Special Assistance When it Comes to a Will
If you have special circumstances - maybe you own a business or you expect to leave very large amounts of assets - it's advisable to consult an attorney. Also, if you plan to hold property in trust, or fear that someone will possibly contest your will, it's also advisable to enlist the help of a will attorney.
At Protecting Your Assets, LLC, we are here to ensure your wishes are carried out to the extent allowed by law. There are some complex rules involved with making a will; it's certainly to your advantage to make sure your will does exactly what you intend it to do. Contact us today to learn more.